** Past Retreat Experience **
a Creative Expression Immersion + Yoga + Soulcraft
Dancing Spirit Ranch, Montana | October 2018
A sanctuary and meeting place where ancient tradition meets new wisdom, the Dancing Spirit Ranch is located in Northwestern Montana, just 5 miles from Glacier Park International Airport. This expansive, 160-acre property is energetically grounding and visually stunning, with sweeping views of the gateway to Glacier and the Mission Mountains… not to mention, a totally spectacular spot to witness the fall in Montana.
Passion-oriented and curious women who love to live vibrantly, but lately are feeling more like, “okay joke’s over Self, it’s time to wake the F* back up.” This is an invitation to Awaken by dedicating legit space to reconnect with yourself, with a little added emphasis on creativity (more on that below). This retreat is limited to 15 attendees. Interest in exploring yoga + a creative practice is a must (experience not required!).
Daily yoga + soulcraft + creative expression sessions designed to awaken and reinvigorate your sense of self and place in the world. Our tool of choice: (re)discovering your creative practice. This immersion is a curated blend of content and whitespace: time to engage and to disconnect from your daily routine, with the intent of giving you the space to be you. Slip in a little extra time to put pen to paper, and you’ve got the vibe of Awaken.

[retreat theme]
To become aware of what is really true or real.
To spring into being, arise, originate.
To be aware, conscious, able to act.
[Related: Awakening.]
The philosophy behind this Creative Immersion retreat is:
we are only as powerful as we are awake.
creative practice is an effective way to awaken the whole self.
we may not think we are creative, but we all get to be creative.
Here’s the starting point: is your soul awake? Seriously, what’s your gut answer? What would fully awake feel like to you? (Pause…. actually feel into that answer for a moment.)
If you answered "no" or felt a little unsure, you’re not alone, nor is there a darn thing wrong with you. It’s the human condition to ebb and flow from fogginess to clarity on your personal “what am I doing and why am I a badass?” spectrum. We can’t all be sparkly unicorns all the time. Not to mention, sometimes our system shuts down in response to external chaos… it’s like it wants to hit the snooze alarm until everything is under control. All normal, all justifiable.
Not justifiable? Staying asleep.
I’m just going to lob this out there, and hopefully it lands deep: We need you. Awake. Not just functional after a cup of coffee or tea (which btw we’ve got you covered with the goods on retreat), but really awake and aligned to how you’re showing up for us (your community) and for you. Because you in all your glory? We love that shit.
What causes us to “fall asleep?” [Science time... two minutes... stay with me.] How we show up in the world is largely governed by our subconscious brain. It’s where our patterns, stories and habits live. It’s also where our fears, beliefs and rules live. Its job is to keep you alive (props) - but it doesn’t give a shit about your happiness. So it takes over control from the part of your brain that keeps you feeling “awake” - your prefrontal cortex - when it feels threatened. It steals the keys to your car, and drives you to safe land.
One of the best ways to wake up is to take back the keys: do something that brings you back to the present moment. Like yoga. Journaling. Painting. Essentially, being curious. When we become aware in the moment, we can look around us and consciously decide what to do with the resources available to us. We can make art: both literally, and perhaps more importantly, figuratively… after all, problem solving, empathy, conversation, leadership, our side hustles… it’s ALL art.
That’s what this retreat is about: creative practice as a vehicle to awaken the self. “Getting out of the way of yourself, so that you can be yourself.” [Amy Cuddy, in Presence.]
Whether you’re in a big transition, or feeling stagnated or numb and just want to shake things up, or you just love the opportunity to do something different, this immersion is about giving ourselves permission to be creative. Because creativity IS a way to awaken oneself. Sure, on this retreat we are not going to create art to save the world, but we’re creating the best you to save the world.
For some of us, creativity feels good - cathartic, rich, healing. For others, it feels like you might throw up or run for the door. We welcome both sides of the spectrum, with the common denominator being that you trust - or are interested in - the inherent value of creativity in your life.
Do you need to be an artist? Hell no. Like we already said, we’re firm believers that everyone gets to be creative. So, if you had an art teacher that told you when you were 7 years old that your art project sucked, go have a little fire or smudging ceremony and let that go, because you’re a grown woman now, and this is about having fun and feeling good.
Our expectation isn’t (and yours shouldn’t be either) that you’ll leave this immersion with the world’s next Picasso or your first novel written. This immersion is about (re)kindling creativity as a practice and a tool for accessing your full self. This is about creativity without the pressure: process, not perfection. Play, not conforming.
We’ll use democratized vehicles for a creative practice (like creative journaling, self-inquiry, and nature) alongside yoga, meditation and group soulcraft workshops as a catalyst to peel back the foggy layers of identity, story and blocks; leaving you feeling more aligned, aware and "real."
Also, this isn’t just a weekend fling: our emphasis is on bridging the gap between learning and integration back into “real life.” Creativity often gets deemed “superfluous,” but it’s a necessary skill of this modern (occasionally bat shit crazy) time we’re living in. It’s the ability to take disparate ideas and run with them to make something that works - or doesn’t - so that we can progress as a society. And we all get to do it - painters, engineers, moms… everyone. You'll leave this retreat with the tools to flex these muscles back in real life.
So give yourself permission to fall over a bit. To make something that’s not perfect. To voice a fear. To question an old story. Creative practice - whether it’s doing the dishes or painting - gives us the opportunity to throw it all out there and make a new story - or begin anew from nothing. Disconnect from your norm so that you can (re)connect to you.
Whether you’re speaking new truths, questioning old truths, or just rediscovering your voice… Let’s put pen to paper, just for you. What will happen? What within you needs to awaken?

[a curated experience designed to take you deeper. ]

“Let the truth exist somewhere other than inside your body.”
[della hicks-wilson]
1-2 daily yoga classes and guided meditations tailored to the retreat theme.
Daily curated group coaching sessions (soulcraft) around the main retreat themes.
Three (3) creative expression sessions, including all necessary supplies.
Three (3) nourishing, delicious, and locally-sourced meals a day (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free options available)
One (1) individual soulcraft session (coaching) just for you, post-retreat.
Two special evening activities, including a Welcome Reception (with our signature cocktail!) and a Fire Ceremony.
Welcome bag, including a journal, pen and other local surprises.
Four (4) days and three (3) nights boutique accommodations at the Dancing Spirit Ranch, a sacred space with a quaint restored “village,” nestled on 160 acres that orient to the Gateway to Glacier National Park in northwest Montana. (aka - the most stunning place ever)
Unlimited use of all yoga props: mat, blocks, blanket and straps.
Full access to Dancing Spirit Ranch’s 160-acre sacred ground, including: lakes for swimming or boating (kayaks and SUPs included); 5-miles of hiking trails; Secret Garden; Sacred Stone sites; Labyrinth; Library and more.
Free time to luxuriate, or explore the Flathead Valley and Glacier National Park, including the neighboring town of Whitefish.
Airfare and airport transfers / ground transportation. Dancing Spirit Ranch is located just 5 miles away from Glacier Park International Airport (code FCA). For something different, Amtrak also services to neighboring Whitefish (10 miles away).
Add-on Massage or 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions.
Off-site excursions: there are afternoon blocks where you could venture to Glacier or Whitefish, but we recommend building that time in on the front or back of your stay.
Gratuity for Ranch staff.
Additional Alcohol.
Travelers Insurance - highly recommended.
Queen Bed | Shared Bath
Twin or Full Bed | Shared Bath
$1150 per person
Queen Bed | Private
Sara Close
Founder of Hello Soul,
Retreat Lead
Sara is a certified coach, facilitator and yoga instructor with a passion for the intersection of wellness, leadership development and creativity. Things to expect: a focus on flow, curiosity, and humor... with the occasional dash of science and swearing.

Anna Brones
Rockstar in Residence
[aka.Guest faculty + Co-lead]
Anna is a writer, artist, producer and publisher. She is the author of several books, including Live Lagom: Balanced Living the Swedish Way, and founder + publisher of Comestible, a biannual zine about food. Creativity guides her profession, and she loves sharing that process with others (peak at her Instagram for a sense of her magic: @annabrones). Check #womenswisdomproject, her latest project: a series of 100 papercut portraits of amazing women and their wisdom.

[melt me.]