Hello Soul retreats are a curated flow of yoga, self-exploration, creative expression and whitespace to reconnect you to you. ​
We put pen to paper. Soul to mat. We lean into pause as a means to ignite: our connection, our purpose, our goosebumps.
​It's the spaciousness you crave, without any of the fluff.​
Hi lovelies... now is the time more than ever to stay true to your practices... be those yoga, breath, mindfulness, creativity, or love. I've started livestreaming donation-based yoga classes during the COVID-19 social distancing measures, and would love to of service to you in this way.

[What this is about]
To live passionately. To feel connected. To get goosebumps. To breathe deeply. To trust your gut. To push your limits, while holding center. To relish in the in between moments because you’re f’ing on your way to greatness, thank you very much.
Welcome to Hello Soul.
Reflections on Hello Soul and our founder, Sara.

"As a new manager of a diverse team at Patagonia, I brought Sara in to help align our team’s goals for the year. Her professionalism is both inspiring and engaging; her gift of language and communication sincere and poetic, yet tangible and to the point. I have always admired Sara as a person and as a dreamer and I see that the world needs more people like her."
- Whitney Clapper, Patagonia Brand + Enviro Marketing Manager

"Sara has an incredible ability to always ask the right questions that lead to pivotal ah-ha's and OMG moments. No matter the situation, she can quickly digest information, ask questions, make keen observations and give you the tools you need to move forward... or point you in a direction you didn't know existed."
- Nicole Miller, Managing Director of B3.8

"Magic happens when you get an incredible group of world-changing women together in a beautiful place with a skilled facilitator like Sara."
- Caitlin Copple Masingill, Public Relations Director (aka Get Shit Done Goddess), Oliver Russell

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
[Howard Thurman]